Bromley and Orpington beekeepers are having their annual honey show on Saturday 17th September 2022. The show is open to the public (FREE entry) from 10am until 4.30pm at Emmanuel Church, The Grove, West Wickham, Kent, BR4 9JS.

If you wish to enter any of the crafting, junior art, cake baking, confectionary, photography, or honey classes you can download the show schedule from our websites:
Beekeepers enjoy the friendly competition and atmosphere after gathering in this year’s honey harvest. The public are invited to come along and view our winning hive products and meet the beekeepers.
The competitive classes are open to ALL which means you don’t have to be an Orpington or Bromley member to enter.
This is a traditional honey show with honey tasting and local honey for sale.
Refreshments available all day including tea and homemade cakes
Observation hive with live honeybees
Beekeeping exhibition and related stands Enter our raffle with plenty of prizes.