From April until July there will be meetings at the club apiary on both the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.
There will be no apiary meetings in August. From September we return to one meeting each month on the first Sunday.
We will have the marquee at the following events. Help with setting up and clearing away is always needed as well as staffing the display and talking to the public about bees and beekeeping. If you can help please contact Mary at meetings or by email:
Sunday May 21st Kent House Leisure Gardens Open Day
Open to public 11am-4pm.
We usually set up most things on the previous afternoon.
Saturday June 24th Keston Village Festival.
Held on Keston Common. Open from 12-6pm. We may leave a little earlier. We will need people to help with transport to this event.
Monday August 28th (Bank Holiday) Cudham Village Fete.
Open officially 1-5pm but often opens earlier.
Again help will be needed with transport.
Sunday September 3rd Kent House Leisure Gardens Charity Day.

Hi Steven, thank you for your reply. Unfortunately i have not been able to attend the meeting but i will try to attend your meeting on 3 Dec.
Are you running a beginners bee course? your courses have been highly recommended
Hallo Alison:
I run the beginners session. Obviously December is no time to start up such sessions, but it is always a good time to the discussing the matter. I look forward to meeting you thus coming Sunday at the apiary.
Bob Jackman.
Hi I live in Beckenham & would like to put a hive in my garden. Can you advise the best course to attend for urban bee keeping?
Hi Alison,
Apologies I hadn’t noticed your post earlier.
You need to attend an apiary meeting if you haven’t already done so?
Steven Turner