“Not the Lenham Lecture” afternoon, organised by Kent Bee-Keepers’ Association for Saturday 6th February 2021, starting at 2pm on Zoom.
We’re being treated to two talks:
“The Changing Seasons” by Professor Tim Sparkes
“This talk will discuss the recording of phenology, the timing of natural events such as leafing or flowering, and how this has evolved into a network of voluntary recorders coordinated by the Woodland Trust. Along the way we will meet some of the characters that have been involved in recording. How the weather affects phenology, and how phenology has changed will be illustrated with examples drawn from the Nature’s Calendar’s database and elsewhere.”
“Removing Bees from Difficult Places” by Mark Ballard
“As with most beekeepers I collect swarms but soon realised that people also needed bees removing from within buildings – roofs/chimneys/walls. I have spent all my working life in the construction industry and therefore, have the ability to take buildings apart – and if necessary, rebuild. Although I try not to do too much of the latter!
The talk will be about my experience of removing bees – Bumble Bees as well as Honeybees from buildings with PowerPoint text and photos showing kit needed, in-situ colonies and before and after photos.”
There will be a tea-break between the two talks, although unfortunately this year, you’ll have to make your own cake! There will be time for questions after each talk, aiming to be all done by around 4:15pm.
The event is entirely free-of-charge, but registration is required, so we know how many people are coming. Click here to Register to attend.

Hope to see you there!