As usual there will be no meetings on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in August due to holidays. However, Wednesday evening Beginners’ Sessions will continue until the end of July, with a final session on Wednesday, August 3rd where Bob Jackman will discuss preparations for Autumn and Winter, including tips for preparing honey for sale and show.

On Monday August 29th, August Bank Holiday, the club will be at Cudham Village Fête.
Volunteers are needed to help transport equipment, put up the marquee, sell honey, roll candles and speak to the public about bees and beekeeping. This is usually an enjoyable event with stalls, beer tent, races, a tug of war and a fruit and veg. show in the church. It is also an opportunity to sell your honey. Please contact Mary Slater( to say what you can help with. 2 or 3 hours help would be really useful if you cannot commit to the whole day!
Sunday, September 4th is the date of our next Sunday meeting which coincides with the Charity Open Day at Kent House Road Allotments where our club apiary is sited. Volunteers will be needed on Saturday 3rd for an hour or so to set up the marquee and then, on the Sunday, to sell honey, roll candles etc. as at Cudham. There needs to be someone in the apiary at all times from 11 till 3 as the public will come in and need to be supervised around the hives. This is another good opportunity to sell your honey.
If you bring honey for sale to either event do make sure that it is booked in so that you receive the correct amount of money/ unsold jars at the end! Again, please contact Mary Slater ( to say what you can help with.
Saturday, September 17th is the Bromley and Orpington Honey Show at Emmanuel Church, West Wickham. You can Download the Schedule from our website. There is a Novice Class for those new to showing and classes for cakes, photography and artwork related to beekeeping. Again, this is an opportunity to sell your honey, and help will be needed on the day.
Finally, enjoy the Summer and your beekeeping!
Mary Slater